I am a self confessed junky. I'm not ashamed to admit my obsession for junk and all things worn and torn. I can't pass by a junk shop without having a peak inside. A good old rummage.
This morning, I was stopped in my tracks as I rushed along Carnaby Street. It seems that someone at Diesel has my obsession for junk. The store has been transformed to create the appearance of a derelict building. It's all peeling layers of paint and rusting metal. Diesel's signature window display of edgy street fashion has been replaced by what can only be described as junk. Abandoned picture frames, neglected lamp-shades, random cups and saucers, scratched and scuffed suitcases now clutter the windows. Of course, it's not just any old junk. It's carefully selected junk. Styled junk. There, placed in amongst the junk, are Diesel's new season 'aged' jeans.
Diesel - as you would expect - are spot-on here with the trend for 'Rough Lux'. The trend for the not so perfect and slick*. The trend for surfaces aged by time*. I don't particularly like the concept of trends. Trends are a passing phase. Something soon to be replace. I would like to think that Diesel's display will inspire customers and passers-by to appreciate and embrace the beauty in cast-away objects. To recycle, re-use and re-design them. And, that includes last season's jeans.
* quoted from Textile View Magazine Issue 87
Diesel store
Carnaby Street, London
(Images by Re-Design for Life)