Friday, 23 September 2011

Lamkayan - the world beneath your feet.

Underground - the world beneath your feet.
Photographer: Aktif Hakan Celebi

When I came across these stunning images, I had to share them with you.   The colours.  The textures.  The mood.  Love it all.

The clothes featured are from Hong Kong label Lamkayan's project Underground, the world beneath your feet.  Designer Ka Yan used the Earth's structure, layers and erosion to inspire the colours and prints used in the collection.

Underground - the world beneath your feet.
Photographer: Aktif Hakan Celebi

Underground - the world beneath your feet.
Photographer: Aktif Hakan Celebi

Ka Yan graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in 2011.  Her design projects can be viewed on:

Monday, 19 September 2011

Corrie Nielsen - A modern couturier

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Arbiter Elegantiarum is the title of Corrie Nielsen's SS12 collection, which was shown on the catwalk on Friday as part of London Fashion Week.  Arbiter Elegantiarum - a judge or authority in matters of taste.

Corrie Nielsen dipped into a dark Victorian mood for this collection, with inspirations taken from Oscar Wilde's gothic novel, The Picture of Dorian Grey together with influences of late nineteenth century men's tailored dress, which was brought together with a contemporary Japanese aesthetic.

Architectural silhouettes, meticulous pleating and innovative folding techniques were executed in great swathes of sumptuous fabrics.  All brought together in a restrained colour palette of deep midnight blue, gunmetal grey and ivory, with a flash of chartreuse throughout.

The overall effect was refined, elegant and contemporary.

After seeing the collection, it comes as no surprise to me that Corrie Nielsen has been described as a modern couturier and true fashion visionary.

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Corrie Nielsen
SS12 - Arbiter Elegantiarum

Photographer: Christoper Dadey

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Frantic Fashion Friday

London Fashion Week.
Day 1.
Re-Design for Life

London Fashion Week.  Day 1.  What a crazy day it was!

Disappearing invitations.  Re-appearing invitations. Technical malfunctions. Wardrobe malfunctions. Running late for shows.  Shows running late.  Hey!  Wouldn't fashion be boring without a little drama?

Corrie Nielsen started the day for me with a dramatic catwalk show inspired by Dorien Gray with a modern Japanese twist.  Images and collection round-up to follow in a separate post.

Mei Hui Liu's label Victim, returned to it;s East End roots with a pop-up shop on Redchurch Street.  There until 18th September.

Jhb/gi - James Hamilton Butler x George Ichikawa had an exhibition of their collection with video installations.

Finally the much anticipated Vauxhall Fashion Scout 'Ones to Watch' catwalk show, with innovative collections from Phoebe English, Alice Lee, Shao Yen and Malene Oddershede Bach.  I'll be posting a separate piece with images of all collections.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

A knackered old chair. Or a chair to be cherished?

I love this chair!
I came across this photo, which I snapped at London Fashion Week almost a year ago.
Nothing is too old or knackered to admire.

Image by Re-Design for Life.
Chair part of the Reem exhibition at LFW.